just of late my provisioning has gotten a little out of control. i've been buying fruit very much on a whimsical basis, probably because of a desire to be instinctive about my eating, and, not too surprisingly, some of it has been getting over-ripe and going to waste. now, it has to be said that i hate wasting food, and not just because i've paid for it, it's one of those ingrained attitudes. consequently, i've been scavenging what i can. however, a few days ago i went much to far and ate quite a lot of over-ripe pineapple. this act of folly led me to get a burnt mouth, mainly the lips. i'm not quite sure what it is that does this. i suspect it's the alcohol from the fruit fermenting. that said, i'm not going to do this again, if i can help it. so, i'm trying to organise my fruit storage better. really, i need a bigger fridge, in order to keep fruit for longer in better condition, especially during the summer months. but the other problem is simply visibility. i buy fruit, put it somewhere and then i sometimes forget that i've got it, until i find it again in a rather degraded state. very frustrating. at the moment i only have one window sill for displaying my fruit. i'm trying to optimise this with fruit trays that can be stacked. i've sort of done my avocadoes this way. i've got a 30 avocado capacity, in other words plenty to provision for ripening. i intend to keep this topped up on a daily or bi-daily basis. and, on the subject of avocadoes, i've been reminded of late how difficult it is to shift avocado stains from clothing. you really have to wash it off immediately with cold water. failing that, when it dries it leaves an ugly dark brown stain. the problem i find is that i don't always realise that i've got it on my clothes until it's too late. i'm trying to get such a stain out of a pair of buff stone coloured trousers. after more washes than i can now count, it's still there. aaagh!!! i'm trying lemon juice to see if that'll shift it, since the commercial stain remover that i have has, so far, failed. and that brings me on to preparation of said avocadoes. i used to just cut them in half, take out the stone, fill the hole left with lemon juice, mix it in with a spoon and then eat it. however, mixing it in the avocado skin has proved to be rather haphazard. the beauty of this is it minimises washing up, as there's no bowl to wash. but post my latest experience, i'd rather it was a bowl than clothes that i can't get clean, so i'm now using a bowl. i suppose, for completeness, i should mention that my favourite place to eat my fruit is in the bath, as there's nothing for the fruit to get on. this may sound a bit weird but it works for me. i can relax in a nice warm bath and really enjoy eating my fruit.